Thursday, 22 December 2011

Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire (D2N2) Capacity Fund Research Reports Published

The ‘D2N2’ Local Enterprise Partnership have now published a collection of research reports produced by the Economic Strategy Research Bureau as part of the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills LEP Capacity Fund.  Work from the main research stage is complete – which is now informing a process of strategic planning and engagement between the LEP Board and businesses in key sectors.

We’ll be blogging on the policy implications of the key findings as they relate to skills, enterprise and the impacts of the recession (which have been particularly marked in terms of rising unemployment in Nottingham City) over the next couple of weeks, but in the meantime the individual reports are as follows:

Report 1: Executive Summary – which includes the rationale for the industrial sectors recommended for focus to the LEP Board:

Report 2: Policy Context and Observations from the Evidence -  which includes a detailed overview of all the main national policy developments – up to the City Deal announcements of the last few weeks – as they relate to LEPs and economic development more widely, followed by an attempt to relate the key findings from the evidence to interventions available to LEP partners:

Report 3: The D2N2 Economy – using official and data and other sources, including the Experian economic model held by NBS, to assess the economy of the local area, key sectors – identifying relative productivity advantages – and exploring the extent of enterprise and innovation activity.

Report 4: Employment and Skills -  again using official data and other sources, including the National Employer Skills Survey, to compare and contrast measures of skills supply and demand, and discuss the impacts of recession on the area’ labour market.
Report 5: Education and Training – particularly important for LEP partners, given the significant changes in this area under the Coalition Government – moving towards a more market driven system based on ‘learner choice’ – which, it is hoped, will be more responsive to the needs of employers than the previous Government’s more interventionist approach.  This also looks at experiences of recent graduates from Derby, Nottingham and Nottingham Trent Universities, employer perceptions of education leavers, and survey evidence on the influence of advice and guidance on learner choices.

Report 6: Review of D2N2 Research and Strategy and Gap Analysis -  a literature review of a wide selection of strategies, action plans and research documents produced by the City and County Councils, the Chamber of Commerce and other LEP partners to inform the focus of the above reports.

Have a great Christmas and New Year,

All the best,


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